Do More with Less: Navigating Customer Acquisition Challenges for Today’s Enterprises via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses face unique challenges in acquiring customers and expanding their digital footprint. From limited resources and intense competition to lack of insights, navigating this terrain requires innovative acquisition strategies.

Watch on-demand as we delve into a two-pronged strategy of driving campaign efficiencies while laying the foundation for long-term success.

You’ll learn expert tips for:

  • Driving efficiency in paid media campaigns.
  • Working towards long-term success.
  • Leveraging cross-channel strategies.
  • Integrating CRO with Paid channels to deliver optimum results.

With Tim Murphy and Susovan Ray, we explored a scalable and sustainable acquisition framework to support long-term growth objectives.

Whether you’re a marketing leader seeking practical strategies or a performance marketer looking to enhance your company’s digital presence, check out these insights to break through barriers and achieve success in digital acquisition.

View the slides below or check out the full webinar for more details.

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