Website Health Checkup: Maximizing Technical SEO Performance In 2024 via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

In today’s digital landscape, a healthy, technically sound website is the key to SEO success. 

However, ensuring your site is optimized for maximum performance is no easy feat, as SEOs, developers, UX pros, content leaders, marketing, and C-suite members must all be in alignment.

Maintaining your website’s technical health isn’t just about ranking well in search engines – it’s also crucial to driving more user engagement, conversions, and ultimately, revenue.

On March 27, we’re delving into the critical areas and key site metrics you need to focus on in 2024, including SEO, site speed, and accessibility. 

Join us as we provide actionable tips and insights to help you improve your website’s technical health and drive tangible results.

And of course, we’ll go beyond just finding issues on your domains – we’ll also walk you through ways to actually fix them.

Our expert guests, Richard Barrett and Matt Ford of Lumar, will show you how to build new connected site health workflows that enable faster fixes and less stress for everyone involved in the website optimization process.

In this live session, we’ll cover the following topics:

  • Expanding Your View: Beyond Content and Keywords Learn why SEO professionals and website managers need to broaden their perspective beyond content & keywords for maximum business results.
  • Improving Technical Health: Tips and Strategies – Discover practical tips for enhancing key aspects of your website’s technical health, including crawlability, indexability, site speed, accessibility, and more.
  • Building Streamlined Workflows: Aligning Your Team for Success – Explore strategies for building connected website health workflows that facilitate faster issue resolution and reduced stress for your team.

Ready to take the next step toward elevating your website’s health and unlocking the full potential of your SEO strategy?

This webinar has the expert insights and actionable tips you need to enhance workflow efficiency and boost your site’s overall performance.

You’ll walk away knowing how to get the right platforms and processes in place to improve your site’s most critical health metrics.

Plus, Richard and Matt will be answering your questions live, following the presentation. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to start mastering your website’s technical health. Sign up now and secure your SEO success for 2024 and beyond.

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